Flexible and Affordable

Packages That Fit Your Budget

We offer tailor-made packages that fulfill your business requirements.

Typography Logo
2 design concepts
2 Revisions
24-48 hours delivery
Combination logo Icon + Typography
4 Desgin concept
4 Revisions
24-48 hours delivery
Mascot / Emblem Logo
4 design concept
4 revisions
48-72 hours delivery

Included Basic logo package
Business Card
Letter head
Logo watermark
Favicon Design
Pen Design
Included Logo Standard packageBusiness Card Design
Letter head Design
Envelope Design
MS Word Letterhead
Email Signature Design
Invoice Design
Linkedin Banner Design
Logo Watermark
Favicon Design
Polo/T-Shirt Design
Cap/hat design
Includes Logo Exclusiv package
Includes Branding Standar package
Brand guideline
Presentation template

Web Design & Development Packages

Single Page
1 Page WordPress Website
JQuery Slider Banner
Mobile Responsive Layout
JQuery Slider Banners
Products/Services Section
Portfolio/Gallery Section
Contact Us Section
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
Web Page Banner Design
Royalty Free Stock Image
Advance UI & Effects
5 Pages
5 Page WordPress Website
JQuery Slider Banner
Mobile Responsive Layout
Home Page Layout
JQuery Slider Banners
Products/Services Section
Portfolio/Gallery Section
Contact Us Section
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
Web Page Banner Design
Royalty Free Stock Image
Advance UI & Effects
Social Media Integrations
Business Domain Emails
LiveChat Tool Integration
3 Month LiveChat Agent
8 Pages
8 Page WordPress Website
JQuery Slider Banner
Mobile Responsive Layout
Home Page Layout
Company Profile Page
Main Product/Service Page
JQuery Slider Banners
Products/Services Section
Portfolio/Gallery Section
Contact Us Section
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
Web Page Banner Design
8 Royalty Free Stock Image
8 Advance UI & Effects
Social Media Integrations
Business Domain Emails
LiveChat Tool Integration
3 Month LiveChat Agent

Single Page
1 Page Custom Website
CMS Admin Panel
JQuery Slider Banner
Mobile Responsive Layout
Company Profile Section
Products/Services Section
Portfolio/Gallery Section
Contact Us Section
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
Royalty Free Stock Image
Advance UI & Effects
3 Month LiveChat Support Agent
Social Media Integrations
Business Domain Emails
3 Month LiveChat Agent
3 Month LiveChat Support Agent
5 Pages
5 Page Custom Website
CMS Admin Panel
JQuery Slider Banner
Mobile Responsive Layout
Home Page Layout
Company Profile Page
Product/Service Page
Portfolio/Gallery Page
Contact Us Page
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
5 Website Favicon Design
5 Royalty Free Stock Image
Advance UI & Effects
3 Month LiveChat Support Agent
Social Media Integrations
Business Domain Emails
3 Month LiveChat Agent
3 Month LiveChat Support Agent
8 Pages
8 Page Custom Website
CMS Admin Panel
JQuery Slider Banner
Mobile Responsive Layout
Home Page Layout
Company Profile Page
Main Product/Service Page
Products/Services Inner Pages
Portfolio/Gallery Page
Contact Us Page
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
8 Website Favicon Design
Advance UI & Effects
3 Month LiveChat Support Agent
Social Media Integrations
Business Domain Emails
LiveChat Tool Integration
3 Month LiveChat Agent

Upto 10 Products & Categories
Product Attributes & Features
General Product Search
Shopping Cart Integration
Single Payment Module
CMS Admin Panel
Order Management System
Newsletter Subscription
MySQL Database Creation
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
Mobile Responsive Layout
JQuery Slider Banners
8 Web Page Banners Design
8 Royalty Free Stock Images
Advance UI & Effects
Social Media Integrations
Business Domain Emails
LiveChat Tool Integration
3 Month LiveChat Agent
Upto 25 Products & Categories
Product Attributes & Features
Product Search
Product Filtration
Shopping Cart Integration
Upto 2 Payment Modules
CMS Admin Panel
Order Management System
Newsletter Subscription
Website Blog Section
MySQL Database Creation
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
Mobile Responsive Layout
JQuery Slider Banner
12 Web Page Banners Design
Advance UI & Effects
Social Media Integrations
Business Domain Emails
LiveChat Tool Integration
3 Month LiveChat Agent
Upto 50 Products & Categories
Product Attributes & Features
Product Search & Filtration
Product Reviews & Rating
Products/Services Section
Product Favorites & Wishlist
Spreadsheet Products Import
Shopping Cart Integration
Promo Code/Coupon Feature
Upto 3 Payment Modules
CMS Admin Panel
Order Management System
Inventory Management
Order Shipment & Tracking
User Signup & Login
<p>Personalized User Dashboard</p>
Newsletter Subscription
Website Blog Section
MySQL Database Creation
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
Mobile Responsive Layout
JQuery Slider Banner
12 Web Page Banners Design
Advance UI & Effects
Social Media Integrations
Business Domain Emails
LiveChat Tool Integration
3 Month LiveChat Agent

Product Based
Unlimited Sellers
Unlimited Selling Products
Unlimited Categories/Industries
Products Attributes & Features
Products Search & Filtration
Product Reviews & Rating
Seller Reviews & Rating
Seller Login & Dashboard
Clients Login & Dashboard
Shopping Cart Integration
Promo Code/Coupon Feature
Multiple Payment Options
Seller Inventory Management
Order Shipment & Tracking
Newsletter Subscription
Admin Control Panel
Paid Advertising & Ads Placement
Website Blog Section
MySQL Database Creation
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
Mobile Responsive Layout
JQuery Slider Banner
12 Web Page Banners Design
Advance UI & Effects
Social Media Integrations
Business Domain Emails
LiveChat Tool Integration
3 Month LiveChat Agent
Service Based
Unlimited Providers
Unlimited Service Offerings
Unlimited Categories/Industries
Products Attributes & Features
Products Search & Filtration
Product Reviews & Rating
Seller Reviews & Rating
Seller Login & Dashboard
Clients Login & Dashboard
Shopping Cart Integration
Promo Code/Coupon Feature
Multiple Payment Options
Newsletter Subscription
Admin Control Panel
Paid Advertising & Ads Placement
Website Blog Section
MySQL Database Creation
Lead Inquiry Form
Website Favicon Design
Mobile Responsive Layout
JQuery Slider Banner
12 Web Page Banners Design
Advance UI & Effects
Social Media Integrations
Business Domain Emails
LiveChat Tool Integration
3 Month LiveChat Agent
Unlimited Users
Multiple User Profiles & Pages
Unlimited Groups/Communities
Users Login & Dashboard
1-on-1 Chats & Messages
Multiple Chat rooms
User Connections & Invitations
Users Networking Circle
User Profile Banners & Pictures
Users Posts & Interactions
Users Staus Online/Offline
Posts/Media Sharing & Tagging
User Privacy Settings
MySQL Database Creation
Website Favicon Design
Admin Control Panel
Paid Advertising & Ads Placem
Mobile Responsive Layout
Advance UI & Effects
i.e Job Portals
i.e Social Networking Sites
i.e Dating Portals